Graphics, Logos and Badges

We have a full range of graphics, logos and badges available for you to use. We can also personalise and customise these for you for free – please just ask


You are welcome to take any graphics from our social media streams @ThisIsFreegle on Twitter and Freegle on Facebook – we create all the ‘Freegle’ graphics you see there and they are free to reuse. If you would like any graphics customised, please contact


These logos can be used however you like, on websites and social media, in newsletters, posters and signage. There are two options:


Badges provide a clickable link using HTML to Freegle that can be placed on your website. For non-clickable logos, please see the ‘Logos’ section in this toolkit.

To get the badge HTML, drag your mouse cursor over the HTML to highlight the code. In Windows, right-click and select Copy. Then paste into your web page code.

<a href=""><img src=""
title="Freegle: Don’t throw it away – give it away!" style="border:0;" /></a>

Other sizes are available, please contact us if you would like something different.

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