Photos and videos
Looking for some images of items being Freegled? We have some fantastic new photos of real freeglers in Brighton! Feel free to download and use them on your promotional materials, website and anywhere else to help you promote Freegle and reuse.

See all the photos here. Please acknowledge the photographer, Alex Bamford.
We also have permission to use these fantastic photographs which were published in the first issue of National Geographic ‘Green’ December 2009 to illustrate Sarah Lonsdale’s article on recycling initiatives. Pictured are Freegle members in Hackney and Waltham Forest. If you would like to use these, please ensure that they are referenced.
Find all the photos at
You may also be able to find willing local Freegle members who would be happy to feature in photographs for your own campaign.
Freegle have recently commissioned this video which is free for you to use and works particularly well on social media.
Cumbria County Council made these videos which they are happy to share. You can add your own logo and use them free of charge as long as Cumbria County Council are referenced. Please email and we can help you arrange this.
We also have a YouTube channel on which you can view promotional videos and get some inspiration by seeing the work of Cumbria Freegle in action. Click here.